Looking through some old photos I found this.
I realized that it no longer blooms in my garden.
Maybe the voles got it.
It was a spectacular plant.
The snowball hydrangeas are in bloom now.
Cool green and white in the shadows of the pine trees.
Yesterday I worked on finishing up my entries for the
upcoming show Under Indiana Skies.
I hear we have 166 entries.
The Jasper and Newton county artist are prolific.
Connie a quilter from Texas stopped in to visit
with her mother Doris.
She is here to do Quilting.
She brought her 2 nieces so they can quilt with cousins.
I am invited for the Saturday lunch and show and tell.
How fun.
They are all traditional quilter and I am a art quilter.
Maybe I will convert someone.
Women and young girls sharing a common thread.
Related and relating with fabric.
Connie a quilter from Texas stopped in to visit
with her mother Doris.
She is here to do Quilting.
She brought her 2 nieces so they can quilt with cousins.
I am invited for the Saturday lunch and show and tell.
How fun.
They are all traditional quilter and I am a art quilter.
Maybe I will convert someone.
Women and young girls sharing a common thread.
Related and relating with fabric.