My husband was thinking he wanted a lake property
in Indiana to fish on. Well Thursday we took off
at 7 am and traveled to the center of the state.
Drove around the lakes scouting out small cabins.
Found a street we liked and a small place that was
going to be on the market. Than we went to
Shipshewanna for supper and the night.
By morning he thought it over and decided it
was nicer to just stay at our lovely home in the
summer and go fishing at a lake 1 hour away.
He likes his garden too much to give it up.
Needless to say I am happy to spend the summers in
my STUDIO. not a fishing cottage.
I also got to go to Lolly's for some fabric before
coming home.
These two paintings are by my 94 year young friend
Doris B Myers. She is awesome.
No one can paint trees better than her.
She will have a show with her daughter Bonnie Zimmer
this summer in Lafayette.
Have a great week end.