On the way top the Bone and Joint clinic today I passed
the white barn again. My favorite ways to Valparaiso.
Last night getting into bed I twisted and heard a loud
pop. My bone on bone good knee grinding away.
Thank goodness for cortisone shots.
I should be good as new by Monday.
The sunsets have been awesome lately.
November is good for sunshine, blue skies, puffy
white clouds, burnt sienna leaves along the roadside
and buff colored grasses blowing in the wind.
except the winds have been gale force the last 3
days. Blows all the leaves in one spot
making it easy to clean.
The neighbors are gathering wood for the winter.
The frost has coated everything the last few mornings.
The yard looks pretty good for November.
Thanks goodness I put the lawn furniture under
the garage porch roof. Only one plastic barrel blew around.
Its a good place today to be warm inside my cozy house.