This has been a trying week.
Trying to get my knee to work.
Trying to get some studio time.
Just Trying.
It has to get better.
We finally are getting some rain.
Our ponds are low and they need recharging before
winter or the freeze will hurt the fish population.
We had a delightful night last night
The 3 extra tall redheaded grandsons came over
for supper last night. Their other Grandma had surgery
yesterday so I am feeding them for 2 nights.
Their Mom has to spend time with her Mom.
Homework spread out on the kitchen table.
A double batch of Ham and scalloped potatoes
some sweet corn from the summer and a
pumpkin pie. They were happy boys.
Tonight is a Taco bar with all the fixings.
They love tacos.
Well I am off to the studio.