Saturday, March 3, 2012 Southern Indiana Garden

I posted about this garden in Henryville, Indiana wonder how it fared yesterday when tornados went through the town. I was a beautiful place. Southern Indiana Garden: This beautiful garden is in southern Indiana. The owner retired from business and took 45 acres and created the most beautiful gardens. He s...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Progress on the tree quilt

 I should finish this on Friday.
The Robins need to be stitched yet
and they need their legs.
It took 3 attempts to get the Robins to look right.
Tried printing on fabric-too dull.
Drew with Ink tense pencils and markers.
Too blah.
Finally made them with fabric,
Brighter and better.
Do you think it needs more Robins?
 The story behind this quilt.
One summer a whole flock of Robins landed
on a Sargent Crab tree to eat the fruit.
They covered the tree with
chattering moving spots of orange.
It was a delightfull sight.
I never forgot even though
it has been over 18 years ago.
This is my memory of that day.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Memories of my Dad.

 Found this little quilt today while cleaning a drawer
in the studio. It feels good to clean.
My Dad Loved fishing.
February was always a month he spent in Costa Rica.
He fished in Canada, Minnesota, the gulf of Mexico,
the Keys, the Florida gulf.
That man loved his fishing, food and traveling.
March will be 10 years since he passed to
at the age of 85 to the best fishing place of all.