Saturday, February 25, 2012

Finally it is coming together.

 The Sky quilt is progressing.
but I need to decide which way it  will hang
as a tree or a branch.
Let me know what you think.
Than I can finished the leaves and
add the birds

Friday, February 24, 2012

Rivers and Trees

This 12 by 12 silk art quilt depicts the rivers in our county.
One of the few art quilts I have kept.
Love the color scheme.
The Kakankee and the Irquois rivers.
I decided to change direction for the third time on
my new sky quilt.
I will lop off 2 inches of the right side
put it on the left, add more tree, leaves and birds.
Hopefully finished this weekend.
That is if I resist the invitation to visit the
Art Museum in Indianpolis this week-end.
Now off for an MRI to see if my rotator cuff
is really torn. UGH. 
Its down to a low level of pain.
2 1/2 months of therapy have helped.
Maybe I can tolerate it longer.
I really do not have time for this until July.
Have too many art and quilt things to do first.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Working on the new quilt

 I decide to have a branch coming across the quilt
and to put lots of leaves and birds on the branches.
Now I am trying to decide whether to turn
the quilt on its side and make it a tree.
I changed out the bottom and love this fabric.
I wish I knew where to get more.
Let me know if you reconginize it.
Have a great day.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Another of my favs.

 This one turned out so nice I gave it to my daughter
for a gift. That way I can visit it sometimes.
I liked the detail on the oak leaves.
I seem to like trees a lot.
The computer problems were a blessing in disguise.
It forced me to make a binder of my finished quilts
and art from my solo shows.
Now I need to put the patrons names on each photograph.
My grandson Andrew came over and updated my Mal ware.
Which found 10 different viruses to be wiped off
All clear now.
He really needs to fine a job in IT.
Thanks goodness for grandkids.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sunday lost in Computer land.

One of my favorite art quilts.
I got to see them all yesterday.
This one lives in Lafayette, IN.
One is in Texas, another in Holland, Idaho,
Vermont,Minnesota and several in Indiana.
I opened an E-mail and got a virus yesterday morning.
I spent from 1 pm to 8:30 pm dumping over 3800 files
and photograph folders.
so my grandson can wipe my computer clean
and re-install the programs.
I ran a virus scan but nothign showed.
But my computer is doing funky things.
I am making discs and hard copies of things
I do not want to lose.
I will spend the rest of today and finish saving whaat I want.