A beautiful start to the day.
The sun is rising and birds making noise.
My husband finished weeding the garden yesterday,The purple clematis is in full bloom. The goldfish in the pond are happy swimming in circles. The planters are starting to fill in nicely. This is how we start every day sitting on the little deck drinking my morning tea and watching the sun rise. The purple martins swoop and glide over the pond. A perfect beginning to the day.
Yesterday I saw my first dragonfly flit over the pond and it is the inspiration for my new project. A 12 x 12 art quilt for a benefit auction. Yesterday I found some old paint rags or should I say hand painted cloth. When I paint I clean up by using leftover paint applied to old bed sheets in interesting patterns.
It makes the best whole cloth quilt material. I added some quilt lines and started on a dragonfly. Using solvy I started thread painting a dragonfly. I will finish and mail this off Monday. Have a great day everyone.
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